Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Top 10 NLP Techniques Part II

These articles discuss the top ten techniques of neuro linguistic programming (nlp) that we use in our nlp practice here in New York. This part of the article discusses the second 5 techniques, the first 5 are discussed in part 1 of the article.

The techniques should only be used by properly qualified persons. Anyone with a medical or other diagnozable condition should seek qualified medical assistance.

➢NLP Technique 6: Change Personal History

When we have a problem issue that repeats itself in our life, something that we do again and again and wish to change, then the Change Personal History technique of nlp is perfect for you. This technique uses dissociation to get distance from the old events and allows us to identify the resources that we would have needed to have behaved differently at those times. By getting into the state where we have access to these resources, we can relive those events in a more resourceful way. This gives our unconscious mind positive reference experiences that we can use to behave more resourcefully in future.

➢NLP Technique 7: Verbal Reframes

The meaning of any event exists only in our own head. Without the frame we put on an event there is no meaning. By using the verbal reframe patterns of neurolinguistic programming we can change the meaning that is attached to an event. A failure becomes a learning experience, an annoying friend becomes an opportunity to exercise compassion etc.

➢NLP Technique 8: Time Based Techniques

Time Based Techniques using a persons time line or perception of time, use a spatial model of time to make time travel possible. Our unconscious mind uses space when it thinks about time, with the past perhaps to our left or right or behind us, and our future in the opposite direction. Once we understand our own metaphor for time we can begin to move our problems into the past and make a bright future for ourselves.

➢NLP Technique 9: Symbolic NLP

NLP recognizes that we use symbolism to represent the world around us. By exploring and changing the symbols that we use to model the world, we can pick metaphors and symbols that give us more options for changing our real world behavior the way we want.

➢NLP Technique 10: Collapsing Anchors

Finally, and certainly not least, of our top ten nlp techniques is collapsing anchors. In fact collapsing anchors is the basis of most neurolinguistic programming techniques. The nlp technique of Collapsing anchors creates an anchor for the problem state that we want to change, and a second anchor for the positive state that we would rather have instead. By firing off both the anchors at the same time, particularly if the positive anchor and state is stronger than the negative, we come to a new resourceful state exactly at the moment that we need it.

These are some of our favorite techniques to teach on our nlp practitioner and nlp master practitioner training here at the International Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis in New York City, NY.

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