Sunday, November 30, 2008

Building intuition

Here's a great Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP technique to help build intuition.

Intuition often shows itself as a feeling, or as we would say in NLP, as a kinesthetic feeling. We know something is right because our body tells us so:

  • "It just felt right"
  • "I got a bad feeling about it"
One of the students in our In-Depth NLP Practitioner Training in New York is a massage therapist. He is able to sense his clients slipping into an altered state as he works on their back. He was not sure he could do the same thing when leading a hypnosis client into trance when looking at their face, without the benefit of feeling their muscle tension change!

I suggested he recall the last time he was massaging a client and knew they were going into trance. When he was fully experiencing this, I asked where he felt that knowledge. After checking in with himself he indicated a triangle from his left shoulder to his throat to his solar plexus. I suggested that he could check in with this area when working in hypnosis and this would tell him when his client was going into trance.

Of course, it is not the case that everyone will know their clients are going into trance by paying attention to the same feelings in the same area. Indeed, he may find that his intuition for noticing when his clients are going into trance may show itself in an entirely different area of his body.

However, the fact is that by allowing his body, and his unconscious mind, to identify how he intuits he has begun the process of sharpening his intuition. From here he will go through a process of further refining and sharpening this intuition.

Summary of the Technique
Here is the technique:
  1. Select something about which you want to build your intuition
  2. Pick something else where you already have good intuition, perhaps something you do for a living, or as a hobby, or something you just feel naturally.
  3. Remember a recent time when you had good intuition about something. Recall where you were, what you were seeing and hearing. As you get in touch with the memory, begin to notice your feelings, what are you feeling? When in your body do you feel it most? What are the qualities of the feeling? Is it warm or cool? Heavy or light? etc.
  4. Think of some other similar times when you had good intuition. Notice again this area and these sensations that tell you you are making the right decision. Notice how the feelings are different depending upon whether your intuition says "yes" or "no", "accept" or "decline".
  5. Now consider the something you want better intuition about. As you think about that issue, pay attention and notice your feelings. 
By allowing your unconscious to communicate with you in this way, by really paying attention to the somatic feelings your unconscious presents you with, your intuition will increase exponentially.

What happens if it doesn't work?
If you are unsure about the messages your unconscious is giving you, simply ask: "I am seeking guidance on this issue, should I say yes or no [or accept/decline, go/stay]". Now breathe and wait for your unconscious to answer. Notice any changes in how you feel. 

If you are still unsure, say "I am feeling a warmth in my chest, if this is the signal for me to accept this offer, please increase that feeling, if not decrease that feeling". Now once more breathe and wait.

How does this work?
Your unconscious now sends messages to you conscious mind in various ways, it can be in pictures, or sound, or feelings.

By identifying a past time when you had intuition and noting the feelings associated with that, we are communicating with your unconscious, letting your unconscious know that you are listening and understand this signal to have a certain meaning. This is the start of the process of building intuition.

Shawn Carson

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The ING Game

Manipulating our brain's sense of time is an important skill we can all be developing and integrating into our toolkits for change.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis offer us fantastic tools to do just this, for ourselves and our clients, and we will be discussing one of these tools here.

We can of course be using NLP's many time based patterns, such as time line. Alternatively we can simply be using linguistic tools such as verb tense, creating change.

Verb tense tells us what part of time we are dealing with, and how the action of the verb moves through time. This sounds confusing, but for a moment:
  • Consider a time in the past where you had spoken to a client
  • Compare this with those times when you are speaking to clients.
You may notice that the first of these instructions put the the action of speaking to clients very firmly in the past. This is because it used the past perfect tense "had spoken". This is called the past perfect tense because the action is "perfected" or completed, in the past. It is over and done with.

In contrast the second instruction uses the present progressive tense ("are speaking").Not only is the time the present (using the present tense "are") in addition there is a sense of movement, the verb focuses on the progression of the action through time. It does this by using the ING form of the verb ("speaking").

The technique we will discuss here uses the present progressive tense to give the client a little more room to change.

Summary of Pattern
  1. The client selects an issue they want to work through. Let us say they have fear about an upcoming test.
  2. Change the problem into an active progressive verb. In this case encourage the client to say: "I am fearing". How does the client feel when they say this?
  3. Lead the client through statements indicating change and choice. Calibrate to the client's response. Examples might include:
  4. "I am fearing, I am changing, I am choosing, I am choosing confidence, I am confidenting, I am choosing, I am choosing calm, I am calming, I am relaxing,..."
Other Words
This exercise also works well with other process based words, learning, growing, developing, evolving, etc and other awareness words knowing, seeing, feeling etc.

How it works
There are several powerful linguistic techniques and presuppositions being used here in this seemingly simple technique:

Removing Nominalization
"Fear" is a nominalization. It is a verb masquerading as a noun. Turning problems into nominalizations makes it more difficult to shift them (in general).

Turning the problem back into a verb, particularly in the progressive tense, shows the client that they are "doing" the problem. This may make them uncomfortable but it gives them back control.

Allowing Change
Using words such as changing and choosing allows the client a little more room to change, and to choose new responses. Again by using the present progressive tense we allow the client to experience choosing and changing as a process.

Moving into the future
Another benefit of the progressive tense is that it allows change to move from the present and continue into the future.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Widdershins Spell

Hi Everyone

I'm back posting after spending time doing other stuff.

Here's a fun technique we were playing with last night at Practice Night at Melissa Tier's Center for Integrative Hypnosis. We hold biweekly Practice Nights for our past and current students from Melissa's Hypnosis Training in New York, and our NLP Training, and In-Depth NLP Training

As part of our In-Depth NLP we love to explore new techniques, deconstrct them to notice how they work, take out unnecessary pieces to make them more efficient, and add in other pieces to make them more effective.

I'm not sure what the technique is called, so I'll call it the Widdershins Spell because of a comment made by Charlie.

Widdershins of course simply means anti-clockwise. However, it has an implication of magik and spells. In particular a widdershins spell may be used to undo some other spell, a sense of unwinding. This widdershins spell is designed to unwind the power that a particular image may have on us.

In doing the technique we used Melissa's office chair which has rollers. This made it easy for the client to turn. If the client is standing you may want to stand near them to support them and keep them safe, although note that the turning is not intended to make the client dizzy and should be done at whatever rate is comfortable.

We will be writing a fuller post including details of the language patterns used, but here is a summary:

Summary of the technique
  1. Client picks an issue or problem they want to change
  2. Coach leads client to identify a picture associated with the problem
  3. Coach helps client to locate the picture in space (i.e. where is the picture located in the space around the client)
  4. Coach suggests that the picture will be changed when the client turns around and looks at it
  5. Coach guides client to all the way around (while the picture stays fixed in place)
  6. Coach asks client how picture is different
  7. Repeat 7 times (or until done)
Practice Group Demo
Desi volunteered to be the client (the exercise was done entirely content free). I asked her to sit in Melissa's chair. I then asked her to think of something, some issue, that she would like to change. 

When she had selected one, and was associating into it, I suggested that there was a picture associated with the problem, and asked her where this picture was. She pointed up to the right; the picture was perhaps 12 feet away from her, 3 feet square. We explored other submodalities, the one that seemed most significant was that the image was very bright, so bright it was difficult for Desi to look at.

I used some metaphors to suggest to Desi that when she turned around the picture would be different. I then asked Desi to turn in a full circle and when she was facing forward again, invited her to look at the picture and notice what was different about it. The major difference Desi reported was that the brightness had gone down and the picture was much more comfortable to look at.

We repeated the turning. By the time we had reached the fourth turn, the picture was entirely gone.

The plan had been to rotate up to seven times, so I suggested that Desi turn around once more and she would see a picture of an alternate outcome, some other state of being that she chose instead. She did so and accessed a positive state. We repeated this a few more times to build up the resource state.

How the Technique Works
Well, this is anyone's guess. But let's identify a few elements that are included in the technique:


Of course, using the visual modality tends to be dissociative, this after all is the whole basis of the V-K Dissociation ("phobia cure")

This technique takes the dissociation one step further: by fixing the picture in a certain location while the client rotates, it is made even more obvious to the client that the picture is "separate" from them.


By noticing the submodalities of the picture, and suggesting that they will be changed, the client is free to notice changes that do occur (and after all, all we are is change).

As with Desi, it is very likely that the changes the client notices will be in driving submodalities.

Change in Physiology

It is a truism that all trance begins with a change in physiology (after all what does "relax" mean?!?!). 

By using client rotation we are allowing the client to change their physiology and hence access altered states of mind.

Discomfort and Disorientation

Putting the client in a position of mild discomfort can also assist them in entering altered states. This is why, for example, Dr Richard Bandler,  will stare at his clients, he wants to make them sufficiently uncomfortable that going into trance is preferable to being stared at.

Hypnotic Language

Goes without saying.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

In Depth NLP Training

Hey Everyone,

We are running a new round of In-Depth NLP weekends and I thought I would put the info out there in case any of you are interested. We had so much fun doing this course and I am excited and grateful to be doing it again. I know a few on these lists asked me to keep you posted on the next one, so, consider yourself posted :-)

I know of a few inexpensive hotels up the block, so if anyone is interested, give me a call. 212-714-3569

The classes are held in New York City at The Center for Integrative Hypnosis, 292 Fifth Avenue, suite 416 (a few blocks down from the Empire State Building).

10:00 to 6:00

I'm pasting the page from my web site with the details, below....

be well,
Melissa Tiers

In-Depth NLP Training and Certification
In-Depth NLP is a synthesis of Integrative Hypnosis and Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology. It takes traditional NLP and combines it with all the newer techniques and processes in rapid change to create a comprehensive system for transformation.

Shawn Carson and I have put together the NLP training I wish I had had years ago. It is far more unconsciously oriented and draws from the best advances in fields and modalities ranging from energy psychology to neuro-hypnotic repatterning and all the fun stuff in between. In the true spirit of "do what works" we pull from the best and are all ways changing, learning and updating as experience and research dictates.

We are doing this as separate weekend modules so those of you who want to jump in on a particular segment can do so and it will be cohesive. We will do one weekend a month so you can really integrate each skill set into your practice. If you would like to do the full certification combined with my NGH hypnosis certification course you will get a $600. discount due to the

Below are brief blurbs on the weekends involved. If anyone has questions about any of it, please give me a ring 212-714-3569

The next full certification course begins in November and will include the following workshops as well as optional biweekly Wednesday evening classes from 6:00pm - 9:00pm


In-Depth NLP: Fun-de-mentals- Nov. 8/9
In this workshop you will learn the basic ideas and techniques behind In-Depth NLP. You will experience why this more unconsciously dynamic model of NLP allows for more flexibility and integration in your changework. You will learn the basics of calibration, pacing and leading, anchoring (stacking, sliding and collapsing) and the core foundational patterns, as well as some rapid hypnotic inductions to take it to a deeper level. This weekend is intensive and inner-active and packed with vital tools that you can immediately incorporate into every aspect of your work and play.

Conversational Change-Dec. 13/14
This workshop will cover some of the most powerful ways of producing change by using language that directionalizes the mind. You will learn the meta-pattern underneath all
successful transformation and a model for setting up on going generative change. You will learn the many ways of linguistically shifting awareness using spatial and temporal predicates, presuppositions, metaphor and clean language. You will learn how to use the client’s inherent anchors and representations to produce unconscious and in-depth changes for lasting results.

In-Depth Time Lines Jan.10/11
This workshop will take traditional time line work to a much deeper level to create both conscious and unconscious change. You will learn different ways of re-imprinting the past
and unconsciously programming the future to change the present state. You will experience the most powerful time based techniques, including, the decision destroyer, change personal history, future sourcing, end-state energy and linguistic timeline. You will also learn a recently developed In-Depth "time heals" process for physical and emotional healing.

In-Depth Emotional Change- Feb.7/8
This workshop covers many of the most powerful techniques for emotional release and transformation. You will learn how to work with the biochemical as well as the energetic aspects of emotions while providing your clients with self-applied techniques for personal growth. You will experience and learn the backward spin, EFT, changing perceptual positions,
emotive journeying, expanded awareness, heart coherence, emotional reimprinting, visual squash and the grief resolution process. This weekend will change how you feel on many levels.

The Deep Structure of Issues- Oct. 18/19 and March 14/15
The deep structure of issues- This workshop will teach you how to get inside your client's head and discover the strategies they use to create or perpetuate the problem and how to change them. We will cover the typical problem strategies and the different ways of altering them to create new and more productive ones. You will learn ways to help clients to change habits, overcome compulsions, end procrastination and install motivation. You will learn to help
your clients achieve individual goals, turn limitations into resources and understand the delicate art of recovery strategies.

In-Depth Certification weekend- April 4/5
Certification weekend- This is the weekend where you bring all the pieces together to develop and implement client change. You are encouraged to use your flexibility, your own personal style and the client’s model of the world to create a break through session. Students who attend all modules and can demonstrate flexibility and skill, will qualify for full certification.

individual workshops cost $300.
full certification tuition: $1,950
tuition includes all weekends, biweekly focus nights and $150. certification fee

John Overdurf Training

Hey everyone,

I'm really excited to bring my favorite teacher, John Overdurf, to New York
City. He is the most skillful teacher and change worker I have ever studied
with and the author of one of my favorite hypnosis books, "Training Trances".

If any one is interested just let me know. I would be happy to chat with you
about any questions you might have. 212-714-3569

If you want to learn more about him, his site is _www.johnoverdurf.com_

I'll post some of the details below.

happy holidaze! I hope you all get stuffed full of things to be thankful for.

-Melissa Tiers

Coaching Beyond Goals Mini-Master Class

3 Full days - 10:30AM - 6PM, Fri, Sat & Sun, Dec. 5th, 6th & 7th.

In this intimate three day Master Class you’ll discover why goals don't work
and experience what does! Learn the nuances in the HNLP coaching model for
resolving the most common, challenging coaching issues such as
procrastination, values conflicts and life transition issues…

Through the refined use of the HNLP Coaching Beyond Goals Model, you will
discover that it is possible to address deep issues involving parts conflicts
such as sequential incongruities conversationally, enabling you to work deeply
with clients in business contexts where obvious therapy patterns would not
be appropriate. John will share his experience and insights when working with
the most common and challenging issues that you will encounter in your
coaching practice. Since this is a Master Class, you’ll have the opportunity
experience unique, real time commentary,feedback, supervision from John during
live coaching sessions, which makes for an extremely effective way of
integrating new coaching skills.

You will also learn an entirely new way of working with the issue of goal
setting. Most of us have had the experience of setting goals and not achieving
them. The usual culprits are various forms of incongruence, but there's more
to it than that. How can you develop the ability to deal with the uncertainty
that we use most goals to help us avoid? How can you literally use the
momentum of outside energies and influences to create sometimes magical
manifestations that some have called Grace? …And by the way….We're not
talking about
"woo- woo out there" stuff. We're talking about strategies that can be learned
and integrated. These breakthrough, flexible processes will help you
flourish in the sometime bewildering nominalization called 'Life'!

Addtionally, John will be presenting some of his newest work on attention
shifting coaching.
It is a dynamic, new way to work, conversationally, at the level of
structure, process and attention.

Topics Include:
  • How to do precise, multi-level work
  • How to create motivation and response potential
  • Conversational elicitation of strategies
  • Determining unconscious congruence and motivation
  • Utilization of naturally occurring states to create powerful change.
  • Integrate transformative, non-linear and hypnotic language patterns into your coaching work
  • Incorporating the Meta Pattern of all NLP patterns into your work
  • Practical approaches for working with the most common coaching problems
  • Where and when to use the Beyond Goals Model
  • Application of Chaos Theory to goal setting and successful manifestation
  • Conversational elicitation of deeply rooted unconscious states that prevent forward movement.
  • Elicitation and utilization of end state energy
  • Determine appropriate chunk size of tasks and goals
  • Techniques for producing spiritual states of non-attachment to facilitate ecological change and manifestation

Location- SLC- 352 7th Ave. 16th floor (at 30th street)
cost of the three workshop is $650.

contact Melissa Tiers-212-714-3569