Thursday, June 19, 2008

Logical Levels and Modeling

When modeling in NLP we can use Logical Levels to structure the modeling as follows:

Modeling as Multiple Description

Remember, modeling is finding out how things work from multiple perspectives. If enough perspectives are considered then a model with requisite variety can be created. In NLP this is sometimes referred to as a “triple description”.

Another way of organizing these descriptions is through logical levels.

Logical Levels as Multiple Description

When and where precisely, does the model do the behavior?

If we are using logical levels to build a description, it is not sufficient to learn “I do this on the sports field”, or “I do this on the stage”. In order to gain a useful description of the model, i.e. the “difference that makes a difference” we need more specificity; everyone is doing what they do on the sports field, what makes our model unique?

“When do you do this?” “As I walk onto the stage I look at the audience and pick a face in the third row, when I begin to sing I make eye contact with that person” “When exactly do you make eye contact?” “As I sing my first note” “Exactly when you sing that note, or just before, or just after?” “Oh, a second before I begin to sing that note”.

Look for precision.

What precisely is the model doing? Pay particular attention to:
• Internal Representations

Skills, capabilities
What specific skills and capabilities is the model displaying? What evidence do you have that they are displaying these?

What resources does the model believe they have when engaging in the behavior? How do they represent these resources (i.e. how do they know they have them)?

Beliefs and Values
What does the model believe when they are engaged in the behavior? How do they represent this (i.e. how do they know they believe this)?

What is important to them about engaging in the behavior? How do they represent these values (i.e. how do they know these things are important)?

What is the model’s identity? What do they see themselves (or feel themselves, or hear themselves, or say to themselves) as being? How do they represent this?

Beyond Identity
What is the model’s relationship to something larger, perhaps God, or society, or something more than themselves?

Shawn Carson

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