Thursday, November 27, 2008

John Overdurf Training

Hey everyone,

I'm really excited to bring my favorite teacher, John Overdurf, to New York
City. He is the most skillful teacher and change worker I have ever studied
with and the author of one of my favorite hypnosis books, "Training Trances".

If any one is interested just let me know. I would be happy to chat with you
about any questions you might have. 212-714-3569

If you want to learn more about him, his site is _www.johnoverdurf.com_

I'll post some of the details below.

happy holidaze! I hope you all get stuffed full of things to be thankful for.

-Melissa Tiers

Coaching Beyond Goals Mini-Master Class

3 Full days - 10:30AM - 6PM, Fri, Sat & Sun, Dec. 5th, 6th & 7th.

In this intimate three day Master Class you’ll discover why goals don't work
and experience what does! Learn the nuances in the HNLP coaching model for
resolving the most common, challenging coaching issues such as
procrastination, values conflicts and life transition issues…

Through the refined use of the HNLP Coaching Beyond Goals Model, you will
discover that it is possible to address deep issues involving parts conflicts
such as sequential incongruities conversationally, enabling you to work deeply
with clients in business contexts where obvious therapy patterns would not
be appropriate. John will share his experience and insights when working with
the most common and challenging issues that you will encounter in your
coaching practice. Since this is a Master Class, you’ll have the opportunity
experience unique, real time commentary,feedback, supervision from John during
live coaching sessions, which makes for an extremely effective way of
integrating new coaching skills.

You will also learn an entirely new way of working with the issue of goal
setting. Most of us have had the experience of setting goals and not achieving
them. The usual culprits are various forms of incongruence, but there's more
to it than that. How can you develop the ability to deal with the uncertainty
that we use most goals to help us avoid? How can you literally use the
momentum of outside energies and influences to create sometimes magical
manifestations that some have called Grace? …And by the way….We're not
talking about
"woo- woo out there" stuff. We're talking about strategies that can be learned
and integrated. These breakthrough, flexible processes will help you
flourish in the sometime bewildering nominalization called 'Life'!

Addtionally, John will be presenting some of his newest work on attention
shifting coaching.
It is a dynamic, new way to work, conversationally, at the level of
structure, process and attention.

Topics Include:
  • How to do precise, multi-level work
  • How to create motivation and response potential
  • Conversational elicitation of strategies
  • Determining unconscious congruence and motivation
  • Utilization of naturally occurring states to create powerful change.
  • Integrate transformative, non-linear and hypnotic language patterns into your coaching work
  • Incorporating the Meta Pattern of all NLP patterns into your work
  • Practical approaches for working with the most common coaching problems
  • Where and when to use the Beyond Goals Model
  • Application of Chaos Theory to goal setting and successful manifestation
  • Conversational elicitation of deeply rooted unconscious states that prevent forward movement.
  • Elicitation and utilization of end state energy
  • Determine appropriate chunk size of tasks and goals
  • Techniques for producing spiritual states of non-attachment to facilitate ecological change and manifestation

Location- SLC- 352 7th Ave. 16th floor (at 30th street)
cost of the three workshop is $650.

contact Melissa Tiers-212-714-3569

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