NLP states that external information enters our awareness through our senses, where it is filtered by our eyes, ears, skin etc, then further filtered through the universal modellling processes (deletion, distortion and generalization).
This information impacts on our internal representations (ie our thoughts) to create our current state (ie how we feel), and leads to certain behaviors that may be positive or helpful, or negative and unhelpful.
This model of course is a simplification of reality (as all models are). One area where this simple model is flawed is in that is supposes a one way flow, from external information through to behavior. In fact the whole system is
cybernetic in nature, involving
feedback loops at and between every stage.
One such loop is that physiology, which can be said to be a type of external behavior, impacts internal state. This is a principle well known to motivational speakers such as
Tony Robbins who relies on physiology to create states of excellence.
By creating a
positive physiology (ie a positive posture, breathing, head position, gestures etc) we are likely to create a feeling of power, of success.
So when your mother told you to sit up straight, she was right!
Shawn Carson
International Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis