Friday, March 28, 2008

New Life Expo

Sarah is spending the next three days at the New Life Expo
NYC - 03/28/08 - 03/30/08
Hotel New Yorker
481 8th Avenue at 34th Street
NYC, NY 10001
Tel: (516) 897-0900

• Friday 3:30pm to 10:00pm
• Saturday 10:00am to 9:00pm
• Sunday 11:00am to 8:00pm

We have a booth (New York Hypnosis Alliance), where we will be offering brief hypnosis sessions, NLP games, and discussing our upcoming courses The Secret of the Law of Attraction and The Labyrinth, as well of course as our NLP trainings.

Stop round and see us!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Training Trances

Training Trances is a book by the brilliant John Overdurf and Julie Silverthorn

The book is probably the best accessible book on Ericksonion hypnosis since the in-comparable Transformations. It contains many exercise taken from John and Julie's hypnosis training and is a must read for anyone wanting to learn real hypnosis techniques.

Thoroughly recommended

Shawn Carson

Recovery Strategies in NLP

A recovery strategy is the answer to the question "what happens if I go back into this state?". So if your client leaves your office feeling fine, then under the pressure of the "real world" goes back into the negative state they came to you to get rid of, what happens to them?

The answer to this question depends upon whether you have installed a recovery strategy for them.

A recovery strategy is a state chain: Problem State -> intermediary state(s) ->  resourceful state.

A great example of a recovery strategy was demonstrated by John Overdurf recently on the superb Master Practitioner course he ran. John was working with a student (let's call her Bella) who had a fear of public speaking. John dealt with the issue and then installed a recovery strategy...

...and when you feel that lack of confidence [firing off an anchor he had installed earlier...Bella smiles]...and you know what happens next [firing off another anchor...Bella laughs]...

John repeated this pattern a number of times, installing the state chain uncertainty->smile->laugh etc etc.

Ask Bella what happens if she feels uncertainty or lack of confidence now. Go on, I dare you.

Shawn Carson

Physiology of Excellence in NLP

NLP states that external information enters our awareness through our senses, where it is filtered by our eyes, ears, skin etc, then further filtered through the universal modellling processes (deletion, distortion and generalization).

This information impacts on our internal representations (ie our thoughts) to create our current state (ie how we feel), and leads to certain behaviors that may be positive or helpful, or negative and unhelpful.

This model of course is a simplification of reality (as all models are). One area where this simple model is flawed is in that is supposes a one way flow, from external information through to behavior. In fact the whole system is cybernetic in nature, involving feedback loops at and between every stage.

One such loop is that physiology, which can be said to be a type of external behavior, impacts internal state. This is a principle well known to motivational speakers such as Tony Robbins who relies on physiology to create states of excellence.

By creating a positive physiology (ie a positive posture, breathing, head position, gestures etc) we are likely to create a feeling of power, of success.

So when your mother told you to sit up straight, she was right!

Shawn Carson
International Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis

Micro Submodalities

An interesting point arose on our recent trip to Atlanta to attend John Overdurf's master practitioner.

I discussed with John the fundamental difference between techniques such as EFT, where change is tracked through "client experience", and NLP where change can appear to be all or nothing. By this I mean that typically in EFT some client experience (such as their subjective level of discomfort with a particular issue on a 1-10 scale) is tracked. As the discomfort goes down, the client is made aware that progress is being made on the issue. In NLP we might work through a particular pattern with a client, and check, ie test, at the end to make sure the change has taken.

John's view was that both were fundamentally the same, and that it is the NLPer's role is to track the client's changing experience either way. In short that the client's state is ALWAYS in motion either way.

I absolutely think that John is correct, however it got me thinking about the nature of certain submodalities that change in an analogue way that can fairly easily be tracked over time by the client. Let's call these "micro submodalities". If we identify these submodalities for the client then the client's conscious and unconscious mind can communicate via changes in the micro submodality. NLPers will recognize this concept from some versions of the 6 step reframe.

A great example comes from the interaction of symbolic modeling and EFT. By using clean language and symbolic modeling to identify a clear representation of a kinesthetic feeling (size, shape, location, color, etc). Then as we "tap" on the issue, the size, shape and location of the feeling will likely change, indicating to the client that change is occurring.

More on this topic later!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where can I practice NLP in New York

A great place to practice your neuro linguistic programming skills in New York is at the NLP Meet Up group. The group meets regularly (generally every other Wednesday evening) and caters to experienced NLPers as well as those just starting out. Membership of the group is free, just go to and sign up. Most of the meetings are either free or have a nominal charge, depending upon the location.

The group organizer is Joel Elfman, who is well known in NLP circles in New York. Joel is always ready to steer people to the appropriate NLP or Hypnosis training in New York and is well worth knowing.

Joel also organizes weekend workshops to help people in the meetup group further expand their skills.

Inductive and Deductive Language Patterns

What are inductive and deductive language patterns and how are they used in NLP and hypnosis?

We use these patterns to teach real life change work in our nlp trainings.

A deductive language pattern is one that zeros in on one detail, or one instance. Examples would be "what exactly do you notice?" or "think of a specific time when this happened". These focus the client on one thing.

An inductive pattern is one that opens up possibilities for a client. Examples would include "what are all the things you are not focusing on, when you are focusing on that"

So when would we use each type of language pattern? Well it all depends upon what we are trying to achieve. Suppose we are helping a client to change his feelings of anxiety when he has to give a presentation at work. In order to get a handle on the issue we might say "tell me about one specific time when this happened." [This would be a deductive question]. We would then perhaps work through this specific instance and help the client to see it in a different way.

We might then choose to use another deductive pattern "tell me about another time when this happened", so we can work through several specific examples.

At some point we will likely see the client begin to generalize the changes, he will either not be able to find further examples of when his problem had occurred, or he will remember them but will report them to be "different". 

At this stage his unconscious mind has already started to inductively generate changes in his experience. We can help this process along by using an inductive pattern, for example we could say, "now allow your unconscious mind to remember each and every time you have had this experience and notice how it is different NOW." 

Best NLP Practitioner Training in New York

Where do you go to find the best neuro linguistic programming training in New York. May we suggest the International Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis.
We are offering full NLP and HNLP (Humanistic Neuro Linguistic Psychology) certification at a fraction of the price of other trainings.
Why? Simple, we are new to the market, we are currently planning our second NLP Practitioner training, and therefore we want to create video and audio products to market our business. We video and audio record our courses and use these for posting on Youtube and similar formats, and may distribute on DVDs or audio CDs or MP3s.
If you want to get NLP training at an affordable cost come see us or visit our website

John Overdurf Training

Hi Everyone
8 New York NLPers just returned from John Overdurf's Master Practitioner training in Atlanta. John put together a superb course covering his most up to date linguistic patterns, including temporal shifts, inductive and deductive language patterns, fractal submodalities, and spatial prepositions.
During the course we had the benefit of seeing John work with several participants and help them to make changes. After all, you never know how far a change may go.