In-Depth NLP was designed by NLP Master Practitioners and Hypnotists to allow hypnotists to use NLP principles in trance work. In-NLP can be learned by attending our New York training courses.
Here we will describe how we check for ecology in client change using NLP's ecology check. This allows us to make sure the client's goals and values are fully aligned. Let's take an example: suppose our client tells us they want to continue with their existing job for financial reasons, and at the same time build a successful consulting business on the side. By exploring the consequences of these goals we may find that they would have insufficient time to spend with their family. As a result their goals may need to be rebalanced to allow for this.
In NLP we use the ecology check to ensure that the client's values are fully aligned and in agreement with the changes the client desires. We may for example ask questions such as:
- When this goal is achieved, how will things be different for you?
- What will this do for you.
- When you make this change what will you no longer have? What will you have given up for this?
- What other areas of your life will be affected by this change, and how?
These will provide useful future oriented data concerning the real world consequences of the changes that the client is seeking. In the above example, the client may notice his professional desires may not be fully aligned with his family goals and values.
Having said this, if we limit the ecology check to the conscious level, we may miss invaluable unconscious communication from the client.
Rather we must begin to communicate directly with the client's unconscious mind. This takes hypnosis skills or calibration skills learned on In-Depth NLP courses. Once we have these skills we will find ourselves noticing the client's unconscious communication and responses and beginning to truly communicate on the unconscious level.
In-Depth neuro linguistic programming allows us to listen and watch for unconscious response as we ask the ecology questions. The client's simple verbal (conscious) response is not taken as determinative. This does not mean that we disbelieve the client, simply that his conscious and unconscious mind may have different views of the matter. To assist with this process we may modify the questions as follows:
- Suppose you have already made these changes. Notice how your life is different. What is happening? What do you notice (see, hear and feel) that is different?
- Now as you have already made these changes in your life, notice what aspects of your life are different now? What aspects are better than they were?
- And having made these changes in your life, notice now what is worse about your life. What have you sacrificed for this? What do you notice (see, hear and feel)that lets you know?
- And as you think about these questions, hearing what you, feeling what you feel, and seeing what you see, notice what else is different now.
This type of questioning, when properly done, will allow the client to fully associate into the future they are seeking for themselves. By really imagining that they are in this future, their unconscious mind will be fully engaged in the process and will begin to notice all the consequences, good and bad, of the changes.
The client may still state on a conscious level that they are happy with the change, even if the change is not actually ecological for them. However, if my unconscious mind was fully engaged in the process of imagining my future life, then m unconscious will notice the adverse changes and will begin to communicate (perhaps unconsciously) that the changes are not ecological.
We have to be able to notice when the client's unconscious raises concerns via incongruity. This incongruity may show up in any number of ways. Some examples are given below:
- The client's voice tone may rise or fall from their normal level
- We may see an incongruent expression pass over their face.
- The client's posture may change
- Hand movements or other gestures may show incongruity
Attending to the client's unconscious communication, particularly incongruence, is the key to using the ecology check of In-Depth NLP.
Attend our New York training to learn these and other principles of deep unconscious change.
Shawn Carson is director IPH New York; NLP training in New York, hypnosis, individual coaching, 212-714-3574 Melissa Tiers is an NGH certified hypnotist; hypnosis training in New York, hypnosis for weight loss, hypnosis to stop smoking 212-714-3569 In-Depth NLP Training