- "It's my audition on Saturday. I' wish I could just stay home!
- "So stay home, what's the problem?" I asked
- "Because I want to sing!" She laughed, "I know I'm crazy!
The Visual Squash pattern of NLP can be used to help us help our clients get what they realy want, and make decisions which are fully aligned with their desires.
- The first step of the visual squash is to identify two conflicting desires in ourselves.
- Secondly we visualize images (in the visual representational system) to represent each of these parts. These are normally an image of the part of me that wants the first outcome and an image of the part of me that wants the second.
- We place each picture in one of our hands. Allow the unconscious mind to decide which hand should hold which image. This allows us to "feel" the conflicting parts using the kinesthetic representational system. Anchor each of the states or desires using the image and the client's description of the image.
- Ask the image or part on your right hand what it wants for you, or what its positive intention is? By speaking we bring in our self-talk or inner voice, the so-called auditory digital representational system of NLP.
- For each positive intention that each part or image gives us, we ask "and what is the positive intention of THAT?" In this way we ultimately reach the highest positive intention.
- Turn to the other hand and ask that part for it positive intention. Continue to ask until you find the highest positive intention.
- During the pattern make sure that the two parts come to appreciate each other. We might ask "what can you learn from the other part?" or similar questions to build this appreciation.
- As we continue the exercise we often see the client's hands begin to move together as the two parts become closer in intention
- When the positive intention of each part reaches a level such that the positive intentions are the same, we can expect the parts to reintegrate and they can be brought back inside the body by moving the hands toward the heart.
The NLP coach requires good hypnosis skills to fully involve the client's unconscious mind in this highly symbolic process.
In our NLP training in New York, we focus on these hypnosis skills to allow the NLP practitioner to engage the client's conscious and unconscious mind.
Because we are relying on the client's unconscious mind, we want the client to be able to access their unconscious resources. We do this through trance induction.
One way of leading the client into trance which may be particularly appropriate would be the arm catalepsy induction, or arm levitation.
The NLP coach will notice from the movement of the arms when they are actually being controlled by the unconscious mind, as the movements become more jerky.
The involvement of the unconscious mind leads to more lasting and powerful change.
Take our NLP course in New York to fully learn the Visual Squash pattern.
Call Shawn Carson 212 714 3574 email iphnewyork@aol.com. www.nlptrainingnewyork.com for NLP training, hypnosis, coaching.